Do you offer return and exchange services?

Yes, we do offer a return and exchange service within 30 days. When you have such a need, please contact our customer service team at support@giftsfinds.com, and they will provide you with a satisfactory solution.

How long after placing the order will the shipment be made?

Due to the high volume of orders we receive, we usually require 3-5 business days to produce these products.

How long does the order take to be delivered?

In most regions around the world, products typically arrive within 5-15 days after being dispatched.

Which logistics providers do you use?

Our main partnering logistics companies include DHL, UPS, YunExpress, etc. We will comprehensively select specific carriers based on different product characteristics and the efficiency of current carriers.

How do I track my order?

You can track your order through the link provided in the email we sent you when you placed the order, or you can find the order tracking link in the menu at the bottom of our website.

What should I do if I haven't received my package?

We deeply regret this situation, and it might be due to some unforeseen circumstances during the transportation. However, there's no need to worry. Please contact us at support@giftsfinds.com, and we will do our utmost to address your concerns.

After the refund is approved, how long will it take for me to receive the funds?

We will initiate the refund immediately, but due to delays from third-party banks and payment platforms, there might be a delay of up to 72 hours for the refund to reflect. Please be patient and wait for it.

Are the products on the website all manufactured by your company?

The vast majority are designed and produced by us. We have a comprehensive management system for creativity and quality. Our design team and production factories are located worldwide, and we bear significant costs for this purpose. All of this is done to provide you with better products.